Men’s Ministry

At Metropolitan, we want men to have an “AIR” about themselves. Although we live in challenging times and since much continues to be studied, written, broadcasted, discussed preached and believed about life’s challenges confronting the African-American male, we still believe:

  • Men of God can live lives that are Accountable.
  • Men of God can uphold the principles of Integrity.
  • Men of God are to encourage each other to be Responsible.

This ministry is devoted to encouraging and equipping men to take on issues and opportunities where accountability, integrity and responsibility can be our influence. These attributes will also be our testimony in the areas of spirituality, family, employment, education and health.

That can only happen when men:

  • are grounded in their relationship with God;
  • embrace the teachings of Scripture on salvation, discipleship, leadership and service;
  • are maturing in spiritual disciplines such as prayer, worship, evangelism, service and stewardship;
  • experience the strength of consistent fellowship and interaction with each other.

National Baptist Convention of America, Inc. Affiliation:

We support:

  • deepening the spirituality of men,
  • leading the lost to Christ,
  • promoting religious intelligence and
  • cultivating Christian fellowship.

The AIR of Distinction Men’s Ministry is committed to encouraging, sharpening and challenging the men of this church to be that testimony of spiritual faith so that we will realize our fullest potential as individuals and as a ministry.

Ministry Inquiry Form

Please reach out with any questions you may have about this ministry.  We will reply promptly.

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